Higher Love (a duet)

Peace, Love and Patchouli

Slipping through,
Behind me I sense you
A daily taunt, a tease…
As the tides rise at your command
I watch smitten…..

When today decides to marry
A new day, a dark veil descends
I relay, rather, reflect
The best you choose to give
The light, from your form
Brings me to their attention
Hides my darkness
As I orbit around their home…

I wake from a moving slumber
Feeling your cold cool loveliness caress
As you cover me like a glowing glove
My blush rises from behind
Radiating the warmth
As I burn through this space
Glancing as I watch you
Proud and silently slipping away….

… Slipping away,
Or so it seems, to them
For departing, means arriving
On the opposite side
Of this terrestrial plain
Time consciousness on infinity,
Never missing a beat, consistently
Gracing us with that light you,
In the simplest form,
Shine persistently.


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